Children......Train them as if they have a lifetime before them and LOVE them as if tomorrow may never come!
Regina Holsted

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cemented Together

   For so long Christopher and I were cemented together by circumstances and yet over time these circumstances formed a friendship stronger than I have ever experienced. As a mother, I loved him but the friendship was of a rare quality, it was a treasure that many seek for their entire life and never find and one that I will miss forever. The things, which at times left me exhausted and weighted down, now in their absence I feel lost, alone, and frightened without. Our lives rotated around medical issues all the time, we use to long for a day without any medical drama. WOW, I didn't know what I was wishing for and how I want my medical world back, not for Chris but for mom. He is perfect now, sitting in heaven with baby Noah, it is I who is lonely without my best friend and grandson. Now I am left cemented to a lifeless body who no longer needs me and I cry!


  1. I thought of you many times after Noah went to Heaven. I thought of you sitting in the hospital with one son, while your other son was mourning the loss of his child. These are hard times for you Regina, know that you and your family are being prayed for regularly.

    When I started my blog, one thing I decided was that I would write about it all, the good and the bad. Don't hold back, this is your place to write your thoughts. Never think about what people reading will think. There is freedom in that decision.

  2. Thank you Becky , I write and write up until now in notebooks and cry. Now I am choosing to share my heart with the hope that healing to some extent will come!
